Friday, January 29, 2010

Once again, this is a test. Making sure I can use my mobile phone for these shenanigans.
Hola! This is a test. Just making sure it work.

My love for Music

I have always been a lover of the arts. In particular, music. None of  my immediate family members are in any particular band per say, but we are a bunch of fools that love music. One of my most vivid childhood memories is waking up to the scent of food and coming down to the kitchen watching my dad dancing, and cooking at the same time. 

I am not one to say that I like a particular genre of music, I LOVE EVERY TYPE OF MUSIC. When we were teenagers, my parents would let us throw parties at home, just because. These parties would go on until 4 am! For three holiday seasons in a row, we would drive to Mexico to visit my parents family. The holiday parties there lasted for more than 24 hours! It was awesome!! 

As I get older, I still enjoy music but I have caught myself listening to a lot of oldies. By oldies, yes I will go far back as Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc. I also consider oldies such as Snoop Dog, Run DMC, Too Short (I also am a huge fan of some dirty 'ol rap and Hip Hop), Aerosmith, etc. But at this current juncture, I have this certain obsession with the following artist :  


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy 2010

Hola! Sorry, I been MIA for a while. Just wanted to let ya'll know we are all alive and well. Will post new pics soon!!!